Years to Your Health

Technical Articles by Peter Gillham

All You Need is C

Enzymes, Water and the Digestive System


Got Milk?

MSM Mineral Breakthrough

Magnesium 1

Magnesium 2

Read about Natural Vitality Products

Cell Rejuvenator

Digestion Essentials

Kidney Rejuvenator

Liver Rejuvenator

Organic Life Vitamins

Organic Life Vitamins FAQs

Read about magnesium

Magnesium: Miracles in Minutes

Fatigue and Energy and The Heart Connection

Stress and Sleep

PMS and Weakening Bones

The magnesium solution


Order Natural Vitality


Magnesium 2


Some of you have already become magnesium experts. You read my first two articles and you got it. Some of you are still trying it out. Some of you are asking advice from the so-called experts and finding that they know very little about magnesium. So here is more information to answer the questions that they (the so-called experts) couldn't answer.

Magnesium is the most important mineral in the body. Magnesium activates over 300 different biochemical reactions in your body which are all necessary for your body to function properly.

All other major minerals are dependent upon magnesium being present in order to function. The major minerals are magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. Of these, magnesium is by far the most important.

Contrary to common belief, magnesium deficiency is very common even among those who supplement it regularly. The reason for this is that the stress of modern lifestyle depletes magnesium reserves far more rapidly than was previously realized.

Calcium, a major mineral, needs magnesium in order to assimilate into the body. Calcium, however, should never be taken on its own. Otherwise it will pull magnesium out of body parts in order to assimilate. This creates a magnesium deficiency and the person will feel worse. This occurs with people who drink milk. Milk is about 8 parts calcium to 1 part magnesium and it will create a magnesium deficiency.

Excess calcium in the body will result in calcium deposits such as gallstones, kidney stones and calcium deposits on joints (often called arthritis). All of these have been known to disappear after taking extra magnesium, especially in the drink form.

Calcium and magnesium work together. However, modern stresses whether chemical, environmental or mental, quickly deplete magnesium reserves, (which are depleted faster than calcium reserves). This often causes a magnesium deficiency and the resultant symptoms of internal stress, even when the person takes magnesium supplements. Extra magnesium can often mean the whole difference between a stressed body and a completely relaxed one.

Magnesium is totally safe. If you take too much of it, the body will flush it out. The worst thing that can happen is that you will get diarrhea. It has no other side effects. The body needs it. To ascertain the maximum amount your body needs, do this. Take the magnesium drink in increasing amounts until you get diarrhea and then go down a level until the diarrhea disappears. That will be the maximum your body can take at that time.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient. Without sufficient magnesium, the body will not work properly and you will end up with the symptoms as described in my first article. By drinking a good magnesium drink, these symptoms will gradually and mysteriously disappear. This will occur even if you only take a small amount of it. Magnesium will work in spite of drugs and medication. Just try it. It is safe. It will work for you.

Magnesium activates an enzyme located in all cell membranes. This enzyme controls the balance of sodium and potassium, keeping sodium in the fluid outside the cells and potassium inside the cells. Such a balance is essential for normal water balance, nerve cell activity and cellular energy production. Without sufficient cellular magnesium, potassium will be rapidly excreted from the body creating a potassium deficiency and resulting in fatigue, heat exhaustion and weakness.

PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome) is basically a magnesium deficiency. Handle the deficiency and the symptoms disappear.

Magnesium and calcium work together to control muscle action. Calcium tenses (tightens) the muscles, while magnesium relaxes the muscles. With insufficient magnesium the muscles stay tense, causing a cramp in the muscle. This could happen when you have too much calcium and too little magnesium. The same thing happens in the heart, which is a muscle. The heart goes into a spasm and can't relax. This is called a heart attack. Get some magnesium into the body and the heart will start beating again.

To handle magnesium deficiency, it is best to take magnesium on its own without any calcium. Then, only when the deficiency is handled, go back to calcium and magnesium together. Stay alert for any need for extra magnesium or better yet take some on a regular basis.

Magnesium is best taken as a drink in a water solution, where it will often produce results in seconds. I have seen vertebra bones go back into place within minutes of drinking it. I have seen PMS clear up in ten minutes. I have seen atrophied muscles (wasted away and impossible to control) return to normal functioning within seven days.

Magnesium deficiency is always connected to heart attacks, as a shortage of magnesium is the basic cause of all such attacks. These attacks do not just happen. There is always a long history of magnesium deficiency symptoms occurring before a heart attack. This includes crib deaths in infants where the child dies for no apparent reason. The heart just stopped beating. That's magnesium shortage. Make sure that the mother has plenty of magnesium so that she does not pass on a deficiency to the infant.

Magnesium helps in the storage of energy used by the cells. Without it, you will feel tired. This is one of the causes of fatigue and chronic fatigue. These will often clear up when taking the magnesium drink.

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Without sufficient magnesium the nerve cells cannot give or receive messages and become excitable and highly reactive. This causes the person to become highly sensitive and highly nervous. Noises will seem excessively loud. The person will jump at sudden sounds like a door slamming and will generally be nervous and on edge. Lights can appear to be too bright.

Magnesium deficiency can cause insomnia (inability to sleep), waking up with muscle spasms, cramps, tension and feeling uncomfortable. These will disappear on drinking magnesium. Muscle tics of the face are caused by a magnesium deficiency. They disappear on drinking magnesium. Hiccups are the result of muscle spasms of the diaphragm and will disappear on taking magnesium.

The best form of magnesium that I have come across is in the form of a drink where the magnesium is in solution in water. You make it fresh each time and it works faster than any other form such as tablets or capsules.

The information in this site is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.

In the event the reader uses the information for his own health, he is in fact prescribing for himself, which is his own constitutional right, for which the author assumes no responsibility.

If you suffer from a medical condition, consult your doctor. If you have questions as to the application of this information to your own health, you are advised to consult a qualified health professional.

© 2000 by Peter Gillham All rights reserved

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