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About Magnesium

Fatigue and Energy and The Heart Connection

Stress and Sleep

PMS and Weakening Bones

The Magnesium Solution

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Magnesium plays a key role in the energy process within each individual cell and in our overall energy level .... Magnesium is vital for the maintenance of adequate energy levels.

Inability to sleep, muscle spasms, cramps, tension and feeling uncomfortable upon rising are caused by lack of minerals, particularly magnesium. All these conditions are signs of needing magnesium and are greatly helped by taking it. Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

STRESS - Without sufficient magnesium the nerve cells cannot give or receive messages, and become excitable and very reactive. This causes the person to become stressed, highly sensitive and nervous. Noises will seem excessively loud and the person will jump at sudden sounds like a door slamming, and will generally be nervous and on edge. Feeling nervous, irritable and unable to relax, are signs of needing magnesium.


Headaches are caused by lack of magnesium. The intake of magnesium can often help bring relief. "Shakiness", convulsions, difficult pregnancies, mood problems, nervousness, various general pains in the body, inability to concentrate, and swollen joints are helped by drinking magnesium. These problems with the above areas all worsen unless you provide the mineral magnesium. Supply it and they will improve. Some of these conditions will improve instantly; others will need some time.

Blood sugar levels - Insulin is the hormone that helps with the regulation of glucose (sugar) metabolism. Magnesium has been found to improve insulin's response to dietary sugar, and improve the action of insulin in regulating blood sugar levels.

Blood pressure - Studies show that oral magnesium has had a very positive effect on maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.


Muscle spasms, cramps, jerks, tics, eye tics and hiccups are all caused by a magnesium deficiency. Take sufficient water-soluble magnesium, and they will disappear. It is not calcium that handles these difficulties but magnesium. It is too much calcium which often causes them. Magnesium and calcium work together to control muscle action. An imbalance of either will cause tension and cramps; magnesium relaxes the muscles. With insufficient magnesium the muscles stay tense, causing a cramp in the muscle. This can happen when you have too much calcium and too little magnesium. The same thing happens in the heart, which is a muscle. The heart goes into a spasm and can't relax, so it "freezes" and can't function normally. Taking magnesium instantly will allow it to relax and continue as normal.

PMS and Weakening Bones


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